Our Purpose

The purpose of the DFL Party shall be to elect candidates to public office who represent our shared values. Our Platform and Action Agenda, The Charter, and The Bylaws of the Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party embody those shared values. (Minnesota DFL Constitution, Article 1, Section 4. Purpose.)

Our Passion

For more than seventy years, the Minnesota DFL has worked tirelessly to enact progressive policies and provide a platform for those who need it the most. We believe that every Minnesotan has a right to stable employment with fair wages, to a proper education, to raise and provide for a family, to accessible and affordable healthcare, to live in safe communities, and to retire with dignity and security. We have made a lot of progress throughout our party’s history, but there is still much more to do to ensure no one is left behind. Together, we will continue to build an even better Minnesota for all Minnesotans.