Constitution, Bylaws, and Rulebook

The Bylaws to the Constitution of the DFL Party of Minnesota are intended to further define and explain the operating procedures of the party. The Bylaws can be added or amended by the State Central Committee or State Convention.

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DFL Party Platform

These statements embody the beliefs and principles of the Minnesota Democratic–Farmer–Labor Party. Each of these items has received at least a 60% affirmative vote at a DFL State Convention.

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Action Agenda

Attendees at DFL precinct caucuses begin the process of building the Action Agenda by introducing resolutions at the biennial precinct caucuses. Each of the items in the Action Agenda has received a minimum 60% affirmative vote at a DFL State Convention. The State Convention may approve up to 100 items to include in the Action Agenda. If more than 100 items receive the required 60% approval, the 100 items that received the most votes are included in the Action Agenda.

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